Mizoram State Rural Livelihoods Mission
Government of Mizoram

Convergence with MOVCDNER for promotion of organic farming

           The mission converged with Department of Agriculture, Government of Mizoram who implemented Mission Organic for Value Chain Development in North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER) for organic farming intervention during FY 2019-20. As jointly agreed by both the department, if the household of the Mahila Kisan/women farmer are included in the 2nd phase beneficiaries, the name of the beneficiaries may be enrolled in the name of that Mahila Kisan/women farmer instead of her husband. So, 1995 mahila kisan are identified as common beneficiaries. Inclusion of more Mahila Kisan under MOVCD intervention at village level is one of the major priorities under the convergence plan. Reflection and review the performance of Mahila Kisan enrolled under MOVCD was analyzed by block team every quarter.